1. Open firewall. edit /etc/config/firewall

config rule
        option name             FTP20-Externaly
        option src              wan
        option proto            tcp
        option dest_port        20
        option target           ACCEPT config rule
        option name             FTP21-Externaly
        option src              wan
        option proto            tcp
        option dest_port        21
        option target           ACCEPT

2. Install vsftpd

opkg update
opkg install vsftpd

3. Create the ftp directory

mkdir -p /home/ftp_user

4. add the user to the system - editing /etc/passwd


5. Change password for ftp_user

passwd ftp_user

6. Configure vsftpd - edit /etc/vsftpd.conf


7. start/enable/reload

/etc/init.d/vsftpd start
/etc/init.d/vsftpd enable
/etc/init.d/vsftpd reload