
Activate new device:

Log in with your WatchGuard account user name and password.
On the Support Home tab, click Activate a Product.

Change Device name:


Enable Bridge for ETH1 and Wireless (if device is -W):

Change the Bridge interface to static IP
Add Static DNS servers

Activate Subscriptions:

1. Activate SpamBlocker Wizard:

Put incoming SMTP server
POP3 (not recommended)
Prevent mail relay for the example.com domain (SMTP Proxy Action -> Address -> Mail From)

2. Enable Intrusion Priventions

3. Enable Botnet Detection

4. Enable Data Loss Prevemtion

5. Enable APT Blocker (Gateway Antivirus should be activated first)

Enable Wireless Connections:

Open Fireware XTM Policy Manager -> Networking -> Wireless

Configure Firewall Policies:

Watchguard and Watchguard Web UI and FTP policies:

Create MGMT aliaces and add them to the policies FROM field


- Enable Application Control
- Enable IPS
- Create HTTP-Client-Proxy

- Create new WebBlocker.Policy
- Change Deny Message
- Enable APT Blocker


- Enable Application Control
- Enable IPS
- Create HTTPS-Client-Proxy

- Create new WebBlocker.Policy

Add Firewall Policies:

Add HTTPS-Proxy-In (Port forwarding)
Add HTTP-Proxy-In (Port forwarding)
Add RDP-In Packet Filter (Port forwarding)
Add VPN-In Packet Filter (Port forwarding)
Add Outdoing Proxy (TCP-UDP)

- Enable Application Control
- Enable IPS
- Create TCP-UDP-Proxy-Out

Add SMTP-Out-Deny Policy (enable logging)

Add SMTP-Out-Allow Policy

- From - Mail server
- Create new SMTP-Outgoing-Proxy

- Disable APT blocker

Delete/Disable Firewall Policies:

Outgoing Packet Filter (TCP-UDP)

Logging Setup (Setup -> Logging):

Send log messages to these WatchGuard Servers:
Select the Send log messages when the configuration for this Firebox is changed check box